Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish Care

What Kind of Water Do Betta Fish Need?

If you are on this page, you are probably a Betta Fish enthusiast or considering getting a new fish pet soon. Either way, you have to stay informed about everything that your pet might need, so you can provide the best possible living conditions. When it comes to fish, there is one thing that is crucial for their survival, and that is water. When they live in the wild, they

Betta Fish Care

How Long Can Betta Fish Go Without Food?

If you’ve ever researched Betta fish, you’ve probably come across the fact that they are very combative and can survive for a long time without food or even water. Do is somewhat true, but this primarily refers to Betta fish that live in the wild.  Their natural habitat is the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, where periods of monsoon rains and great droughts alternate during the year. Such conditions are

Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish Diseases & Illnesses

Diseases in Betta fish are quite common. Sometimes the cause is genetics, and most often inappropriate care and condition in the aquarium. Unfortunately, despite the many warnings and the internet where it is possible to read all about Betta fish – the owners are still mostly irresponsible. Like it or not, Betta fish require a large aquarium, careful care, and selected food. This is quite enough as prevention not to

Betta Fish Care

Can Betta Fish Eat Goldfish Food?

At first glance, Betta fish seem like gentle and light creatures that create a beautiful appearance with their colors and fins. However, when you see how and how much they can eat – you realize that Betta fish are a little more complicated and they are more than just surface beauties. Although they do not look like that, Betta fish are carnivores and predators. In nature, they are very aggressive

Betta Fish Care

Does Betta Fish Require Air Pump?

Thanks to marketing and raising awareness about the importance of pet life quality, the market for pet equipment is diverse. You can find literally everything for all pets; terrestrial, aquatic, and sometimes it seems like there is little too much of everything. Owners often get confused about what is their pet really need, and what is a waste of money. However, some pets are more specific than others, and to

Betta Fish Care

Daphnia For Betta Fish

Betta fish are cute and voracious tropical fish that we like to keep as pets. In order to be healthy, much like humans and other animals – they must eat a variety of foods; that is, food that provides them necessary nutrients and keeps them healthy. Betta fish food market is full of all kinds of food, often of dubious quality. Due to their character Betta fish will not eat

Betta Fish Care

Should I Put My Betta In a Hospital Tank?

When you buy a Betta fish, you are probably excited to become the owner of a new pet and not think about what could go wrong. Betta fish, like all animals and humans, can get sick. The diagnostic process can be a bit tricky in fish, and the symptoms in Betta fish are often the same for curable and incurable diseases.  It is quite difficult to find an experienced veterinarian

Betta Fish Care

What Do You Do If Your Betta Is Not Eating?

It is typical for human nature to consider any refusal of food as a sign of a problem, most often a disease. Although not everything is so black and white in humans, animals, and fish, persistent rejection of food can be a symptom of a disease or a sign that something is wrong with the environment. We consider animals and fish to be primitive creatures that don’t need much to

Betta Fish Care

Signs Of Tuberculosis In Betta Fish

Tuberculosis is a contagious disease, unfortunately, it is well known to people. Throughout history, many people have died from tuberculosis, and although there is a vaccine – it is not perfect and there is constant work on improvement. It is caused by strains of mycobacteria and although treatment is possible and most successful today – tuberculosis is still one of the most serious infectious diseases. Most people do not know

Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish Losing Color

Betta fish are wonderful, colorful creatures with exotic fins. They look classy and expensive, and if you know anything about Betta fish – you know they often behave like “the big bosses”. They are headstrong and a bit posh. When you look at all these amazing color combinations and the splendor of their fins – you have to fall in love with them. However, like all valuables – Betta fish

Betta Fish Care

How Can I Tell If My Betta Fish Is Stressed?

Stress is not just a faithful companion of people and their daily big and small conflicts, victories, and defeats. Shock and some types of panic attacks are also characteristic of animals and fish. Many people think they cannot experience stress like humans because in general, we all consider them primitive beings. However, as primitive as they were, both animals and fish are living beings that react to the stimulants from

Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish Bloated

A bloated Betta fish is not a beautiful or pleasant sight. If you are familiar with the most common diseases Bettas suffer from – you know that bloating is mostly a sign of a disease called “dropsy”.  Bloating looks scary; as if a Betta fish is choking or something too big stuck in his throat. This condition can inflate both or just one side of a Betta fish body, and

Betta Fish Care

How Often Do You Feed a Betta Fish?

Feeding pets can sometimes be a tricky task especially if your pet is a fish. Betta fish are in many ways specific and special and you have to adapt almost all living conditions to them. However, if you know what and how to feed them – keeping these pets full will not be a problem for you. So, right at the beginning to note, Betta fish feed twice a day.

Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish Water Temperature

If you are a responsible pet owner and if you have ever had betta fish as pets, then you probably know how often it is challenging to imitate their natural habitat at home. Betta fish are specific, tropical fish, with exotic color combinations and with a little bit of extreme behavior. Probably, that is why they are worldwide favorite fish pets.  Undoubtedly, they attract attention and create joyful energy.  However, for